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Christian Education: 
preparing people to live as Christians in today's world.

​In education classes and events, all participants learn how much God loves them and hear the stories of our faith -- the stories that help us understand who we are and whose we are.

Sunday School –
begins the Sunday after Labor Day and continues until the Sunday before Memorial Day.

Children attend the first part of worship every Sunday during the school year. Sunday School will begin after Children’s Time and end at 11:15 each Sunday. Parents or guardians must collect the children from their classrooms at that time.

Summer Sunday School –
begins the Sunday after Memorial Day and continues until the Sunday before Labor Day.

In the summer of 2024, Summer Sunday School explores creation care with all ages meeting together by the "farm" outdoors before worship.

CE Picture CCB.png

If your child is 4 years of age through second grade, they will go off to a Godly Play session in the Godly Play Classroom with our congregational volunteers who have been background checked, and trained. Godly Play is a way of engaging the biblical story with children. After a time of quieting, the story is told using wooden manipulables and children will respond to the story with wondering questions and creative exploration through the use of different materials. Videos of these stories can be found on our YouTube if a child has missed a Sunday. 

If your child is in fourth grade through Middle School, they can go to the Story Room for a more structured class led by volunteer teachers. We will be using the CEB version of the Bible. (This is the Bible we give out to our children on Reformation Sunday, the Sunday before October 30th.) This is a hands-on exploration and will involve games, activities, and searching in the Bible. Please have children bring this Bible with them to Sunday School.


Middle School youth begin Confirmation in September of 2024. They will gather weekly during Sunday School time with Carmel to explore their faith.


Middle and High School Youth will gather at least twice a year outside of worship time for social connection, service, and study. They will also be invited to participate in all activities of the church!


In the summer of 2024, Summer Sunday School explores creation care with all ages meeting together by the "farm" outdoors before worship.

Please follow the link to access the Registration Form. All children and youth participating in our programs need to have a form on file.


​Return completed forms to Carmel’s mailbox, or email BOTH SIDES to her at





Summer Sunday School

During the summer, rather than starting in worship, all children meet together outside (weather permitting) near our "Community Farm," and explore an outreach theme which encourages our children to live out their faith in the world.

Leadership Club/Confirmation

Leadership Club begins when children reach Middle School age. These young people will gather in a two year program. The first year, they will meet weekly during the Sunday School time. The second year, they attend worship and participate in the life of the church, meeting monthly with church leadership to learn of participation opportunities.This is a time for them to explore their own faith in God. Topics will range from history to disciplines (practices of faith) to ways to be involved alongside members of this congregation. If you know of middle school aged young people who would like to participate, let Carmel know (


Director of Christian Education

Dr. Carmel Tinnes

Congregational Church of Birmingham

United Church of Christ

-currently nesting at-

Northminster Presbyterian Church

​​3633 W. Big Beaver Road

Troy, Michigan 48084

Worship Every Sunday at 9:30 am

In Person or Online

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©2024 by Congregational Church of Birmingham UCC

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