On December 8, CCB transitioned its worship, offices, and programming to Northminster Presbyterian Church (3633 W. Big Beaver Road) Read more about why this happened.
Our Worship begins at 9:30 AM at Northminster
Congregational Church of Birmingham
United Church of Christ
Get To Know Us
Thanks for stopping by! We hope to get to know you and we would love for you
to get to know us.
The following are some of the things that are important to us: the values that shape us, commitments we have made, our mission/purpose, our denomination,
and our history.
Help us get to know you by filling out
the form below.
CCB-UCC is a progressive Christian community — welcoming, compassionate, and joyful. We love and care for one another. We strive to discern God’s still-speaking voice through worship, study, fellowship, and service. We work for peace and social, economic, and ecological justice.
We seek a greater understanding of others, and thus ourselves, recognizing that all persons are members of our one human family. Our community prepares and sustains us as we work together to bring about the world that we believe God intends.
Sharing Christ’s love, seeking justice and healing for all God’s creation
And to this end, we join together to build a community marked by:
Genuine Relationship
Partnerships for Social Action
Faith Sharing Among People of All Ages
Commitment to Environmental Justice
When we need to make decisions, the following guidelines are the ones
that guide us. We are:
We welcome everyone to our service of worship and into the full life and leadership of the church. We are Open and Affirming. Whatever your background might be – your race, your nationality, your physical or mental condition, your gender, your sexual orientation – whoever you are and wherever you come from, we welcome you in love as Jesus Christ has welcomed us. We strive to be a place where all people know they are valued for their unique experiences and gifts. We actively seek to include everyone around our table, just as you are.
We are committed to sharing our talents and gifts we have been given with each other and with our neighbors. We partner with churches and helping organizations in the nearby cities of Detroit and Pontiac for our many outreach and volunteer programs.
We welcome families of all shapes and sizes, and are deeply committed to Christian education among both the children of our community as well as adults.
We are curious, open-minded people of all ages who meet to nurture our intellectual and spiritual development. We help each other listen for the still-speaking God.
We seek justice and peace through building relationships and through making small, deliberate choices. We advocate for individual human rights, and social and ecological justice. Together, we seek to bring “A JUST WORLD FOR ALL” as God intends.
We approach faith and worship in many different ways with respect and a desire for engagement with other traditions. Fun and laughter are woven into the fabric of our lives together. We strive to use our Christian faith to guide our decisions and our actions, and bring a spirit of joy to all we do.
The church’s location and building do not define the congregation, most members live within a 30-minute drive, but we have regular participating members who drive an hour or more to join our community. We’ve thus become a people who share in a point of view on faith and what it demands of us, rather than geographic proximity, and strive to live our faith outside of our building walls.
CCB-UCC is a part of the United Church of Christ (UCC), a denomination known for welcoming all, loving all, and seeking justice for all. Read more about the UCC.
CCB-UCC began in 1953, worshiping in homes of the 41 signers of the original covenant. In less than a . Read more about CCB-UCC’s History.