On December 8, CCB transitioned its worship, offices, and programming to Northminster Presbyterian Church (3633 W. Big Beaver Road) Read more about why this happened.
Our Worship begins at 9:30 AM at Northminster
Congregational Church of Birmingham
United Church of Christ
Our faith calls us to rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep. At CCBUCC, you are invited to bring your full self — your joys and challenges, the things that break your heart, the hopes that propel you forward. If you ever want to talk through life issues or questions of faith, our pastoral team is available to meet with you.
CCBUCC wants to be there for you when you’re experiencing an illness, hospitalization, or other life-event for which you, or someone you love, may need a visit. Pastor Montoya is available for hospital visits and pastoral calls when the need arises. Pastor Shane Montoya also supports those experiencing life transitions, looking for additional care for themselves or others, or seeking to connect to community resources.
Members of the church may also be able to offer you meal support or additional care. For more information, please contact Pastor Montoya, or Stephen Ministry lead Paul VonOyen at ptvo@aol.com.
Find Ways to Give and Receive Spiritual Care and Guidance

We say that all are ministers: we are all invited to be part of caring ministry work at the church. You can prepare and deliver meals to members following surgery, illness, or after the birth of a new baby. You can help transport members to medical appointments, church, or errands. You can call members to check in. However you would like to engage in caring, there’s a way for you to connect!
CONTACT: Chris Mead, our Community Caring lead
EMAIL: communitycaring@ccbucc.org

Listening. Care. Empathy. Support. Confidentiality. Stephen Ministry is a national program centered around these attributes of care and attention. Stephen Ministers are church members who undergo more than 50 hours of training that equips them to offer care and accompaniment to others.
A Stephen Minister typically has one care receiver at a time and generally meets with that person once a week for about an hour. Care receivers are individuals in the congregation who are experiencing a time of crisis or challenge. Potential care receivers first speak with a pastor, who assesses their needs for care and matches them with a Stephen Minister. This caring relationship lasts for as long as the need persists.
CCBUCC works together with the Central Woodward Christian Church for a total of six Stephen Ministers. Please contact Dr. Paul von Oeyen or Cindy Hill at our main church phone (248) 646-4511 if you have interest in becoming a Stephen Minister or Leader. If you are in need of care support from our Stephen Ministers or our Pastor, please call Pastor Shane on (248) 633-8526.
CONTACT: Paul von Oeyen
EMAIL: ccbinfo@ccbucc.org or ptvo@aol.com